Thursday, November 1, 2007

Cassidy and Max - Halloween 07



brianne said...

Yeaaa! Awesome. I am so surprised that you are the first to post Halloween pictures. Your kids are hot.

Judy said...

I don't know about everyone else...but Jacy is having a severe gall bladder attack...probably will be having surgery in the next few I guess we can excuse her. I don't know what's wrong with everyone else.

Judy said...

By the way, GREAT COSTUMES!!!!!!!!!

Cameron Family said...

Those costumes are awesome! But wassn't Halloween just yesterday?! This is the first time I've sat down today.

Anonymous said...

I posted my costume.

Megan said...

Great costumes!! Definitely fit their different personalities! Did Teri make those? Can't wait to see you guys in 2 weeks!

Mike and Tia Fam said...

Where were you Todd? Joes was awsome!!! I will try and send some video shortly, but for now just know that you were missed and we did some climbing just for you. We want to do a family trip somewhere this next spring, we were thinking Moab area but we are open to suggestions. Let us know. Also, the costumes look great.

Brett said...

Okay... I think that announcements about siblings having surgery ought to go out via email or phone calls. This was the first Kim and I had heard.