Thursday, October 23, 2008

Halloween Costumes

The Oompa Loompa should be obvious. You guys can guess at Cassidy's costume... I will reveal it after interest in commenting dies down.


brianne said...

She is a smarty pants? Or she is you? Because you are sometimes a smarty pants, and you are also in the manapes.

Mike and Tia Fam said...

Smarty Pants, Smarty Pants.
And of COURSE Samurai Sam's is on the list! Good food, good friends and good money :) !
Any trips to AZ in your future? Mike needs a good climb.

Brett said...

You guys are all wrong...

She's a "walking dichotomy": manapes on the top, smart on the bottom.

Brett said...

Sorry - had to say it.

Judy said...

I knew Smarty Pants right away...but what (or who) the heck is Oompa it something from that Chocolate Factory movie??? Cute costumes in any case!!!

brianne said...

Wowza, Brett!

Megan said...

Smarty pants but I agree with Brett, I think there's something more to it.The Manapes has to have some meaning. On another note, I could barely recognize max.

Cameron Family said...

Smarty pants was my first guess. But now Meg and I are wondering if there is more to it! DO tell!

Todd said...

Sorry guys... no secondary meaning. She just happens to be a huge ManApes fan.